
Welcome to Danganronpa: Misanthropy! A fanmade Danganronpa video series that follows our protagonist, Salem Juno, sixteen other students, and a handful of adults as they are all trapped in a hotel with many floors. These students are no ordinary ones however, they are known as Ultimates. The students are forced into a killing game and our mastermind behind this game is none other than Kuroshiro, a monochrome themed, sadistic hotel manager.
Our dear students ended up in this tragic situation by being offered a school funded trip to a tropical vacation, however, the plane that was supposed to transport the students was infiltrated. Instead of waking up on the beach with the bright sun shining on their faces, our unlucky students woke up in a gaint hotel without any exits.
The Killing Game is a game set up by Kuroshiro. The rules are as follows..

1. students are requried to remain at the hotel for the rest of their impending futures, unless the student graduates.

2. When a murder is committed, a class trial will take place. particapation is required for all students

3.If the killer is identified during the trail, only the killer will be punished

4. If the killer survives the trail, they are granted to graduate, and are allowed into the outside world. Meanwhile all other students are punished

5. "Nightime" hours are offically from 10 pm to 8 am. During this time, the dining hall is closed.

6.All acts of violence towards Kuroshiro, the Headmaster, are prohibited

7. Kuroshiro will never directly partipate in a murder

8. Monopads are very important items, do not damage them

9. A body discover will occur when three or more students discover a body

10. Students have free roam to explore the academy as they see fit.

This wonderful project was created by me, Chloroform with the help of many others. All and any support is appreciated.